A downloadable game

These master craftsmen have gained a reputation for only crafting the most premium wares, no matter the sacrifice...

As The Guild of Canard Crafters, you'll be aiming to create a crafting empire spread across the Woodland. As Master Artificers, you score extra points for whenever you craft. The core of your infrastructure are your Duck Depots, which will provide you with more cards and actions every turn. More cards will allow you to Sacrifice for Supplies to help you craft even more.

You have the ability to craft valuable Monument Buildings which will earn you points over time, however if destroyed these Monuments can never be rebuilt. You will also have to manage your Fragile Supply Lines, which will require you to discard cards to deal hits as defender in clearings that don't contain your buildings.


Designer - Brendan Head

Special Thanks - Oscar Katz

Image Sources 

Duck (Player Board) - https://pixabay.com/photos/duck-tufted-duck-bird-waterfowl-7938454/

Duck Statue (Monument Cards) - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ducklings_in_the_Fall,_Boston_Public_Garden,_Boston,_Massachusetts.JPG

All other artwork and images from Leder Games.


The Guild of Canard Crafters - FRONT.png 1.8 MB
The Guild of Canard Crafters - BACK.png 1.9 MB
Bunny Monument Card.png 2.3 MB
Fox Monument Card.png 2.3 MB
Mouse Monument Card.png 2.3 MB


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I love the idea of creating a faction around crafting specifically, and designing their action economy and even hand size around that! Also seems like they're pretty peaceful!

Only thing I'm wondering about it with the manufactory, it seems like it could do something else really cool like maybe be a wild crafting piece, other than just being used for recruit. Also seems like if it's battled away, there isn't a way to put it back!

Really dig the faction!

I really like your idea that the manufactory could be a wild crafting piece, that would definitely make it more interesting. Thanks for the feedback!


i would love to see what monuments do, and the setup before i rate it. becouse i dont want to download every single thing from every faction. maybe you can make a post in de discord about it?

I've updated the itch.io game page with screenshots and made a post in the discord, both featuring images of everything!

